By logging onto this site you agree to the following conditions:

Please read and agree to the policy below before you continue.

a. Purpose - The information on the system may not be used for any other purpose than that designated by this system

b. Accuracy and relevance - Any information that you record in the system about an individual, especially in any free text field, must be factually accurate, relevant and kept up-to-date. You should only comment on the performance of an individual in an objective way. Please remember that an individual has the right to request a copy of any personal information which we process about him or her, including the information held in this system.

c. Disclosure and access - The data on the system should only be made available to those individuals who have a legitimate business need to be granted such access. The data on the system should only be disclosed to the extent necessary for the purposes described in paragraph (a).

d. Further information - if you have any questions, or require further clarification about the extent and nature of your obligations please speak to TalentEvolution support.

By logging on I agree that I have read and understood the above.